Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Reflecting Upon bitter and sweet Journey

Finally, we come to an end of this fruitful journey. I would like to thanks Ms. Jenny Heng as the coordinator of The Issues in Publication and Design subject. It has been a long journey and an enjoyable one that worth the contribution that i have put in through the whole semester in this subject.

Through the process of creating this serious weblog, it helps me to a better understanding in the theory that i have learned in the course (Issues in Publication and Design). Whereby, i am capable of creating good weblogs with document designs' theory and better web interface and apply it accordingly.

Besides that, it also helps me in getting the new idea from many aspects of the publication issues that surrounded us nowadays. I would not be aware of these publication issues that is actually provide important things to acknowledge us in order to survive in this changing environment.

Thank you for showing me the importance of knowing web design principles and social semiotics of multimodals. And also the introduction to the theories provided by Kress & Van Leeuwen, Oakley, Schriver, Walsh, Penman, Nielsen, Reep the ones that could give brighter idea for my serious weblog when i am in need.

Last but not least, thank you for teaching me how to use proper English in ethical manners in my writing by reminding all over again about the proper citations (in-text citation included) that i must use to avoid plagiarism.

I hope you could enjoy reading this serious weblog for the latest posts regarding the 4 issues in the publication nowadays and may it could expand your knowledge in the publication industry.

E-books are on the line!

We live in a new modern era which offer more efficient way of living. Take E-books as an example, E-books are on the line now, think about Amazon Kindle, Apple I-Pad and the other range of technology innovations that have brought us to the next level of virtual reading. The express changes of digital electronics have made publisher realized that they should do some changes in order to survive. As Penman (1998) says that a document's function depends on the structure that matches with readers' habits, expectations and the context of use.

(Source: Neuro Software, 2010)

In fact, the issue from the arising of E-books sales is that E-books are offering a limited in variety and availability of the books to limited set of genres where fiction and non-fiction books are hard to come in the format of an E-book (Cornwall, 2010). Additionally, Harris (2009) states that E-books actually helps us in terminating the worries of finding books through shelves and stacks of dusty books by using the convenient of its navigation abilities. In fact, traditional paper books would not disappear just like that, while E-books have taken its position by the incremental of their popularity where technologies has become perfect and publishers are making traditional textbooks available electronically.

(Source: Law and Education, 2009)
We are moving from traditional to electronic

However, some people are actually chose the comfort in reading a piece of paper rather than digital screen. As Nielsen (2006) explains from research findings that reading from a computer screen is 25% slower than from paper. Pesce (2010) suspects that by 2020, 10 years from now, 50 percent of all the book sales will be E-books sales in most of the major markets. Indeed, many issues faced by the increasing demand of E-books whereby it will always goes back to readers' preferences to adapt in the changing environment and which one is more convenient to them.

I personally would be glad to refer back to my old school where i found the pleasure in flipping through that piece of paper one by one. But i would not be so naive of not wanting to try the E-books, who would not want to try the new technology? However, it goes back to readers' choice by the end of the day whether they want to follow the 21st century changing environment or stick to their paperback books.

Reference List

Cornwall, D 2010, Ebooks Popularity on the Rise, The 7.30 Report, viewed on 17 June 2010,

Harris, C 2009, The Truth about Ebooks, School Library Journal, vol. 55, no.6, Wilson Select Plus.

Nielsen, J 2006, Prioritizing Web Usability, New Riders Press, Berkeley.

Penman, R 1998, Document Structures and readers' habits, Communication News, Vol. 11, pp. 10-11.

Pesce, M 2010,
Ebooks Popularity on the Rise, The 7.30 Report, viewed on 17 June 2010,

Emoticons and email etiquette

People send millions of text and messages every day. In fact, Funnell (2007) says that most of people do not have the idea of how to write and the others do not know how to interpret the meaning. Therefore, some misunderstanding might arise in these communication tools. For example, when you send an innocent email saying 'you looked astounding!', some people might interpret it as a compliment but some people might believe that it is an expression of exaggeration. According to Schriver (1997), people need to focus on how to choose the right combination of words and pictures that other people need, want and prefer.

Nowadays, many people use email as communication medium for their business, which it is important to acknowledge about the email etiquette.

(Source: Google, 2010)

McKay (2010) explains about the important rules of writing a business letter when composing an email message which are mind your manners, watch your tone, be concise, be professional, use correct spelling and proper grammar, ask before you send an attachment and wait to fill in the "TO" Email Address. These rules act as a reminder for those who use email as media communication. Precisely, companies and organizations are looking for trained staff to do this emailing job whereas sloppy email correspondence could cost millions of dollars for companies. As Walsh (1996) says that words speak millions meaning where the relationship between reader and text are interpreted by socio-cultural context, purpose of the reader and text and also the interest.

While the email etiquette was argued, 25 years ago, Professor Fahlman suggested to use a little smiley face at the end of a joke (Funnell, 2007). Now that it has generated, the smiley face from 25 years ago has turned into yellow things with animation on it.

(Source: Google, 2010 - Smiley faces with animation)

Even though these yellow animation could help us in interpreting our feelings in email, we should not use it especially in business, even if you have a casual business relationship with someone (Goodwin, 2010). It would not be a problem if you want to use the emoticon among your friends but not among business relationship as Goodwin suggested. Formalism is needed in business world whereas if you want to use email as communication tool, you should rely on your language, strength of words and also the ability as a writer to get into your point without using emoticons.

In conclusion, we should acknowledge ourselves with the email etiquette in business world and must be familiar of the right time to use emoticons depending on whom you are referring the email to.

Reference list

Funnell, A 2007, What exactly is an emoticon? And what makes for good and bad email?, TheMediaReport, viewed on 16 June 2010,

Goodwin, T 2010, Emoticons and Email Etiquette, viewed on 16 June 2010,

McKay, DR 2010, Tips for professional Email, viewed on 16 June 2010,

Schiver, KA 1997, 'Dynamics in document design: creating texts for readers', The interplay of words and pictures, vol. 6, pp. 361-441.

Walsh, M 2006, The 'textual shift': Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts, Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol. 29, pp. 24-37.

Politicians chose Twitter than Blogging

Have you ever heard of Politicians once used Blogs as media to perform their campaign? Blogs were once the alternative source to deliver information and messages but nowadays, Politicians turn to Twitter as the arena to create the public opinion. Twitter has grown so fast among youngsters and olders because it offers the simplest way to communicate. Besides that, you can update your status anytime and anywhere you like as Twitter offers their service from mobile phone as well. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (Malaysian opposition icon) has become an active user of Twitter for his Sodomy trial (Zahiid, 2010).

(Source: Hornbill Unleashed, 2009)

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was the first Malaysian Politician that enters the world of twitter. As Penman (1998) says that a document's function depends on the structure that matches readers' habits, expectations and the context of use. Where Twitter offers a concept of a short and instant updates that reflects to the chaotic lifestyles in a busy population. Presently, people prefer the effective and efficient way to communicate. Politicians and celebrities that make use of Twitter has brought an increasing number of subscribers to the system. According to The Nation (2010), Twitter has the ability to be an efficient channel for unquestionable journalism and Twitter could be a useful link that connects Politicians and the electrorate.

John McCain discussed about Twitter that has become an increasing networking tool as the pertinence of microblogging (Oliphant, 2009). Besides of having a role as communication tool, Twitter has grew into a medium for companies to overcome the negativity side of the company in a crisis. As Zahiid (2010) states that Twitter is a new phenomenon that offers differently from other media where televisions and newspapers are not capable of doing it

Reference List

Oliphant, J 2009, Politicians Using Twitter in Growing Numbers, Psychorg, viewed on 16 June 2010,

Penman, R 1998, Document structures and readers' habits, Communication News, Vol. 11, pp. 10-11.

The Nation, 2010, Is Twitter now a new information channel?, viewed on 16 June 2010,

Zahiid, SJ 2010, "Blogging is so yesterday, Politicians turn to Twitter", The Malaysian Insider.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Is there any privacy in the Internet?

We live in such an unpredictable environment; it does change from time to time. As time goes by, internet has expropriated our daily lives. There is no doubt about this matter, where internet provides plenty of stuffs and information for us. Technology is capable of making more information to be more accessible where it also threatens for unintended information to be shared (Bradley, 2010). Some information was meant for public but some might treat it as personal thing.

According to Madden (2010), social networking has become a mainstream where Web sites could lead us to view some privacy online. The only question is whether you as internet users care about privacy or not? Because Kang (2010) states that experts conclude that internet users are actually care about privacy. However, Madden (2010) says that a study to be released by Pew found that most of the internet users said they put a lot of attention about online privacy but they did not do much about it. Bradley (2010) says that privacy is not dead but when we do not have control to our content, we could feel that our privacy has been violated.

For example, when you wrote about your personal information in Facebook, some people might feel violated if their information is seen by another third party but some people would be glad to share that information about themselves to others. And when you Google your name or your closest friend's name, the system would accommodate you with detailed information. A study shows that after Facebook introduced their new privacy settings, 50% of the users changed their profile settings to even more broadly or more private, but they increase in members instead of losing any users.

Furthermore, Madden (2010) says that young adults always draw the line between their information and to whom they share it with compared to older users. In conclusion, the issue regarding the privacy in the internet, it depends on which perception, purpose and content that you are looking for. We could not judge this matter from one side only, we must look from both side because internet users have their own opinion regarding this case.

Reference List

Bradley, T 2010, Privacy is not dead, just evolving, viewed on 16 June 2010,

Kang, C 2010, Is Internet privacy dead? No, just more complicated, viewed on 16 June 2010,

Madden, M 2010, Reputation Management and Social Media, viewed on 16 June 2010,