Wednesday, June 16, 2010

E-books are on the line!

We live in a new modern era which offer more efficient way of living. Take E-books as an example, E-books are on the line now, think about Amazon Kindle, Apple I-Pad and the other range of technology innovations that have brought us to the next level of virtual reading. The express changes of digital electronics have made publisher realized that they should do some changes in order to survive. As Penman (1998) says that a document's function depends on the structure that matches with readers' habits, expectations and the context of use.

(Source: Neuro Software, 2010)

In fact, the issue from the arising of E-books sales is that E-books are offering a limited in variety and availability of the books to limited set of genres where fiction and non-fiction books are hard to come in the format of an E-book (Cornwall, 2010). Additionally, Harris (2009) states that E-books actually helps us in terminating the worries of finding books through shelves and stacks of dusty books by using the convenient of its navigation abilities. In fact, traditional paper books would not disappear just like that, while E-books have taken its position by the incremental of their popularity where technologies has become perfect and publishers are making traditional textbooks available electronically.

(Source: Law and Education, 2009)
We are moving from traditional to electronic

However, some people are actually chose the comfort in reading a piece of paper rather than digital screen. As Nielsen (2006) explains from research findings that reading from a computer screen is 25% slower than from paper. Pesce (2010) suspects that by 2020, 10 years from now, 50 percent of all the book sales will be E-books sales in most of the major markets. Indeed, many issues faced by the increasing demand of E-books whereby it will always goes back to readers' preferences to adapt in the changing environment and which one is more convenient to them.

I personally would be glad to refer back to my old school where i found the pleasure in flipping through that piece of paper one by one. But i would not be so naive of not wanting to try the E-books, who would not want to try the new technology? However, it goes back to readers' choice by the end of the day whether they want to follow the 21st century changing environment or stick to their paperback books.

Reference List

Cornwall, D 2010, Ebooks Popularity on the Rise, The 7.30 Report, viewed on 17 June 2010,

Harris, C 2009, The Truth about Ebooks, School Library Journal, vol. 55, no.6, Wilson Select Plus.

Nielsen, J 2006, Prioritizing Web Usability, New Riders Press, Berkeley.

Penman, R 1998, Document Structures and readers' habits, Communication News, Vol. 11, pp. 10-11.

Pesce, M 2010,
Ebooks Popularity on the Rise, The 7.30 Report, viewed on 17 June 2010,

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