Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Politicians chose Twitter than Blogging

Have you ever heard of Politicians once used Blogs as media to perform their campaign? Blogs were once the alternative source to deliver information and messages but nowadays, Politicians turn to Twitter as the arena to create the public opinion. Twitter has grown so fast among youngsters and olders because it offers the simplest way to communicate. Besides that, you can update your status anytime and anywhere you like as Twitter offers their service from mobile phone as well. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (Malaysian opposition icon) has become an active user of Twitter for his Sodomy trial (Zahiid, 2010).

(Source: Hornbill Unleashed, 2009)

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was the first Malaysian Politician that enters the world of twitter. As Penman (1998) says that a document's function depends on the structure that matches readers' habits, expectations and the context of use. Where Twitter offers a concept of a short and instant updates that reflects to the chaotic lifestyles in a busy population. Presently, people prefer the effective and efficient way to communicate. Politicians and celebrities that make use of Twitter has brought an increasing number of subscribers to the system. According to The Nation (2010), Twitter has the ability to be an efficient channel for unquestionable journalism and Twitter could be a useful link that connects Politicians and the electrorate.

John McCain discussed about Twitter that has become an increasing networking tool as the pertinence of microblogging (Oliphant, 2009). Besides of having a role as communication tool, Twitter has grew into a medium for companies to overcome the negativity side of the company in a crisis. As Zahiid (2010) states that Twitter is a new phenomenon that offers differently from other media where televisions and newspapers are not capable of doing it

Reference List

Oliphant, J 2009, Politicians Using Twitter in Growing Numbers, Psychorg, viewed on 16 June 2010,

Penman, R 1998, Document structures and readers' habits, Communication News, Vol. 11, pp. 10-11.

The Nation, 2010, Is Twitter now a new information channel?, viewed on 16 June 2010,

Zahiid, SJ 2010, "Blogging is so yesterday, Politicians turn to Twitter", The Malaysian Insider.

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