Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Current phenomenon: Blog? How it benefits you?

According to naughton (2006), Technorati claims that they are monitoring 56.9 million blogs that were created at a rate of two per second. Hundreds of thousand of blogs are updated every day and it consists of thoughts. BlogWorld (2010) states that 120 thousand blogs are created every day and 22 of the 100 most popular websites in the world are blogs.

Techcrunch (2009) says that 72% of blogs globally are meant for hobby purposes and less for profit orientation purposes; Technorati took a deeper look into the entire blogosphere and focus on professional blogger in year 2009. 28 % of Malaysian Top 50 Bloggers write about personal stuff, 16% politics and 16% technology (thristhan, 2010). The Star Online (2006) states that most of Malaysia's bloggers are women because they tend to express and share their feelings more than men.

Benefits of Blogging

Blogging has been a typical medium for politicians to express their thoughts and build communities. One of the examples in Malaysia is who created his own blog with the purpose of building his communities and promoting his campaign.

Therefore, Malaysian could take an advantage for themselves through blogging by expressing their thoughts and interact by leaving comments in an interactive format. They may also express opinions and do some argumentation about their own opinions. Therefore, blogging phenomenon has brought a significant change in the media world, its usefulness and popularity has impacted some degree of people.

Reference List

BlogWorld 2010, Important Blogging Statistics, viewed 14 April 2010,

Naughton, J. 2006, Blogging and the Emerging Media Ecosystem, Blogging and the Media Ecosystem, pp. 1-10.

Techcrunch 2009, State Of The Blogosphere: The Full Blog World Presentation, viewed 14 April 2010,

The Star Online 2006, "Most Bloggers are women", viewed 14 April 2010,

Thristhan 2010, Top Bloggers in Malaysia, viewed 14 April 2010,

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