Thursday, April 15, 2010

New forms of Media Publishing

Naughton (2006) states that our communications environment has changed, an old media was new media once. The existing situation has something special to be presented at the beginning of the 21st century; for instance, the usage of personal computing, digital convergence and global networking. These usage has brought a radical shifts in environment.

Youtube is newest form of Media Publishing?

Yes, YouTube is the newest form of Media Publishing. It allows the registered member to upload or post up videos according to their purposes and needs. Other registered members have the access to open every videos that have been posted up by another members and they are allowed to give comments about the videos. Different kind of videos are posted up from different purposes and perspectives.

Wikipedia (2010) states that there are several issues about YouTube:
  • Copyright Material - English Premier League claims that YouTube has done little work on prevent the uploading of copyrighted material. Even though in every videos that has been posted up always shows a statement of do not upload any TV shows, commercials or music videos without permission, members always use it wrongly.
  • Privacy - Some privacy can be shared among friends but it is not for public.
  • Inappropriate content - YouTube also faced the criticism for an offensive content in some of its videos.
YouTube has taken over the roles of journalism?

YouTube has altered the roles of journalism by cooperating with CNN to discuss about the "Most Democratic" presidential debate ever in USA. O'Brien (2007) says that a new debate has been created between YouTube and CNN to connects voters with would-be-commanders-in-chief in televised forums form.

(Example of Presidential debate by YouTube and CNN)

Naughton (2006) suggests an old media will have to accommodate themselves or even creating a beneficial relationships to newcomer media that has arrived in our media ecosystem. The new comer in ecosystem will be more diverse, richer and complex because it has numbers of content and also the interactions between them.

Reference List

Naughton, J. 2006, Blogging and the Emerging Media Ecosystem,Blogging and the Media Ecosystem, pp. 1-10.

O'Brien, L 2007, "YouTube and CNN discuss "Most Democratic" presidential debatesever, viewed on 16 April 2010

Wikipedia 2010, 'YouTube', viewed 16 April 2010,

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