Thursday, April 15, 2010

Types of Blogging Communities and ways to build it

What is Blogging Community?

Online Community directs us to a community that interacting with each other through online. Early years, forums and chats were tools to connecting people in sharing the same purpose. These communities had an interdependency relationship which makes them thought of growing wider (public). The idea of getting wider to public has became a realism through Blogging Community. They considered Blogs as a personal publishing platforms where public could read it as well. Blogging Community connects one to another Blogger, they are allowed to share their minds or the same interest.

Ways to create Blogging Community

According to White (2006), the tool to link from one to another blog is hyperlinks in a form of Blogrolls. It links to different blog by using tagging, RSS (aggregated feeds), blog posts and comments. There is a key word named tagging to be used by blogger for attaching their individual posts or mark a post that is relevant to a community. By using tags, blogger who blogs for many issues could guide people to find what they want.

Types of Blogging Community

White (2006) divided Blogging Community into three types:

  • Boundaried Community - it is a traditional forum based communities. This type provides compilation of blogs concentrated in a single site. Also known as social networking.
  • Topic Centric Community - this community is created to provide a collection of blogs that share the same interest. For example, political bloggers, food bloggers.
  • Single Blogger Centric Community - The identity of this community is the blog owners. It is owned by one owner or organisation where other blogger could give comments and also getting to know the blogger and the commentators.
Global Voices Community is an example for Topic Centric Community.

The diagram shows that when Blogger 1, 2 and 3 connected to each other by having the same interest, Topic Centric Community is formed. Apparently, these communities are doing the issue identification and it is more to network like rather than community like. White (2006) says that the communities do not have a single technological platform because each blogger has their own tool. Power and identity are distributed over Topic Centric Community, the interaction does not happened in one blog but it has grew into subcommunities.

Reference List

White, N 2006, Blogs and Community - launching a new paradigm for online community, viewed on 16 April 2010,

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